Georgia Nut's Research & Development Team

Introducing the brilliant team behind Georgia Nut’s greatest innovation, products, and food science technology. This team cultivates the most delicious confectionary products in the mid-west.  With Georgia Nut being the leader for innovation with focus on market place insights and product trends, Richard, Tracy, Alex and Ana support the ideation of your product concept through the commercialization process.

Here are some fun get-to-know-you ice breakers to help introduce you to our fabulous R&D team!


Did you know the following food science fun facts!?

Tracy: Yeast is live, and did you know that the oldest started dough known to man is over 4,500 years old!?

Richard & Alex: Carnauba wax – polish your candy or your car.

Ana: Almonds are actually part of the prune family.


Who or what has inspired you within your role?

Tracy: My children have and continue to inspire me. Over the years I have seen them grow into kind, compassionate, honest, and fearless adults. Now that they are adults, I find myself going to them for advice on challenging projects (as well as finding out what’s trendy).

Richard: I like working to create an environment where cooperation and recognizing people’s talents are highly valued.

Ana: My 3 kids. The way they love to learn something new every day excites me and motivates me to be better at everting that I do.

Alex: The love for food and science!


What are your favorite projects to work on?

Tracy: I pretty much enjoy all my projects; however, I am especially enjoying working on projects that use a sugar substitute for a hard candy shell.

Richard: Either 1) projects where I’m doing something new, or, 2) projects that just taste super delicious, double bonus if you can do both !!

Ana: I love working on Sugar Shelling projects because I like having the opportunity to work with colors. I enjoy working in this department because it is very rewarding when a client loves our products and work.

Alex: Innovation and novel market technology.

If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tracy: Anything made with pasta / spaghetti.

Richard: Garden Grown Tomatoes with fruity EVO and Salt.

Ana: Pasta!

Alex: Starchy foods Ex: pasta, rice, bread, etc. I don’t think I can live without them!


Featured from the bottom left-hand corner; Tracy Paulson (R&D Supervisor), Ana Marin (R&D Lab Sample Technician), Richard Hauber (Director of Innovation), and Alex He (R&D Specialist).