Georgia Nut Fun Facts

We get asked all kinds of wonderful questions about our business. Here are some frequently asked questions and fun facts about Georgia Nut!

1) What time are Georgia Nut's Shipping Hours?

Answer: We ship from 7 am to 10 pm CST

2) Is the Georgia Nut Company located in Georgia?

Answer: It might be a tad bit warmer in Georgia, but GNC is located right outside of Chicago, in Skokie, IL

3) Do you have a retail store or online shop?

Answer: We sure do! We hope that you stop by and visit us in person at our Skokie, IL location but if you’re unable to check us out live you can always visit the online shop at

4) Does Georgia Nut just have one location/facility?

Answer: Georgia Nut’s manufacturing facility is located at 7500 Linder St., Skokie, IL. and about a mile down the way is our distribution center located at 6900 N. Austin Ave, Niles, IL.

*Check on back as we'll continue adding more to this Fun Fact sheet!